やまとなでしこ う つ く し さ
Yamato-nadeshiko SPA is a ultimate technique developed by Japanese female therapists which combines a face-shaving and all-hand massage with a systemic lymph drainage method with 100% costomer satisfactions for a soulfull full-body treatment by our experienced therapist.
所要時間:約210分~ 価格:33,000円(税込)~
Yamato-nadeshiko SPA is our top service which includes the following 3 steps:
① Face-shaving, Japanese traditional facial care, is a unique technique for a silky facial skin.
a systemic lymph drainage known as Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest holistic whole-body healing systems developed in ancient India. Ayerveda intended to promote not only beauty and fitness but
also body-circulation by encouraging the natural drainage of the lymph by carrying waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.
Our top-of-line facial treatment, all-hand facial massaging with acupressuring on lymph nodes to improve a fiacial circulation.